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Nissan-Datsun 370Z Technical 12-105A Date: 121219 Cell Phone - Poor Hands Free Phone Sound Quality

 Nissan-Datsun 370Z Technical  12-105A Date: 121219
Cell Phone - Poor Hands Free Phone Sound Quality
December 19, 2012
The Applied Vehicles and Parts Information in this bulletin have been amended. Please discard previous versions.
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The customer has experienced or is experiencing, while using the hands-free phone, people on the other end of a phone call cannot hear them.
The customer's experience may include:
^ Voice is choppy or cuts-out.
^ Voice sounds distant.
^ Voice sounds as if speaking through a tunnel.
^ Voice sounds like it is under water.
1. Reprogram (reconfigure) the Multi AV.
2. Replace the microphone and the map lamp finisher.
The purpose of ACTION (above) is to give you a quick idea of the work you will be performing. You MUST closely follow the entire Service
Procedure as it contains information that is essential to successfully completing this repair.
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Submit a Primary Part (PP) type line claim using the claims coding shown.
^ Before starting, make sure your AS 1ST has been freshly synchronized and all CONSULT-III (C-III) plus upgrades have been installed.
^ The Multi-AV reprogramming (reconfigure) software is delivered to C-III plus via ASSIST synchronization.
There are six parts to this procedure:
Part 1: Using C-III plus - record (write down) the Multi AV control unit part number and configuration settings.
Part 2: Using the vehicles on-board Systems Diagnostic Menu - perform Multi AV initialization.
Part 3: Using C-III plus - reprogram (reconfigure) the Multi AV and confirm the control unit part number has changed.
Part 4: Make sure the Multi AV system is operational.
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Part 5: Replace the system microphone with the one from the Parts Information section of this bulletin and install a new map lamp finisher.
Part 6: Check microphone operation using the vehicles on-board Systems Diagnostic Menu.
Part 1: Using C-III plus - record (write down) the Multi AV control unit part number and configuration settings.
1. Make sure the shift selector is in Park, and the parking brake is set.
2. Connect the C-III plus VI to the vehicle.
3. Turn the ignition ON.
You may want to start the engine to keep the battery charged during parts 1 through 4 of this procedure.
4. Write down the customer's radio station presets. (Presets will be lost during this procedure.)
5. Open/start AS 1ST on the CONSULT PC, then select CONSULT-III plus.
6. Wait for the VI to be detected, and status box to turn "green (Figure 1).
7. Select detected VI.
^ If there is more than one VI in the shop, select the VI that is being used on the current vehicle by highlighting the Connection Status box that
has the correct serial number.
8. Select Diagnosis (One System).
9. Select MULTI AV.
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10. Select ECU Identification.
11. Print or write down the ECU PART
NUMBER for Warranty Information.
25915 - _________
In Part 3 of this procedure the ECU Part Number will be used to confirm the Multi AV reconfiguration was successful.
12. Select the Home button when done.
13. Select Re/programming Configuration.
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14. Check the box confirming the precautions have been read, then select Next.
15. Use Manual Selection (Vehicle Name), then select correct Make, Model and Year.
If the screen in Figure 6 does not display, skip to step 17.
16. Click on Select.
17. Confirm correct VIN, Vehicle Name and Model Year.
18a. If the VIN is correct, select Confirm.
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18b. If the VIN needs to be changed:
a. Select Change then refer to Figure 8.
b. Correct the VIN, and then select Confirm.
19. After system call completes, select MULTI AV.
20. Select Read / Write Configuration.
  Page 281
21. Select Before Replace ECU.
Do not select Save (see Figure 12).
22. Write down or print the Setting Value (Multi-AV configuration) for each of the Items listed (see Figure 12).
^ The screen shown in Figure 12 is an example.
^ These setting values will be used during the reprogram (reconfigure) of the Multi AV later in this procedure.
23. When done, select Home.
Part 2: Perform Multi AV initialization using the vehicles on-board Systems Diagnostic Menu.
^ The ignition should still be ON.
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^ Leave C-III plus turned ON with the home screen displayed and the VI connected while performing Multi-AV initialization.
1. Turn the audio system OFF.
2. Put the AV system into System Diagnostic Mode as follows:
a. Press and hold the SETTING button.
b. While holding the SETTING button, turn the volume control knob 40 clicks or more.
^ The volume control knob can be turned either direction.
^ When the system goes into the System Diagnostic Menu, the screen in Figure A2 will display.
3. Select Confirmation/Adjustment.
4. Select Initialize Settings.
Use the scroll arrow to find "Initialize Settings".
5. Select Accessory Number Initialization.
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6. Select Yes.
7. Select Yes.
8. The screen in Figure A7 will display while initializing.
9. The screen in Figure A8 will display when initializing is complete.
10. Reboot the Multi AV system as follows:
a. Turn the ignition OFF.
b. Wait 10 Seconds.
c. Turn the ignition ON.
Part 3: Using C-III plus; reprogram (reconfigure) the Multi AV unit and confirm the control unit part number has changed.
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1. Select Re/programming Configuration.
2. Check the box confirming the precautions have been read then select Next.
3. Use Manual Selection (Vehicle Name), then select correct Make, Model and Year.
If the screen in Figure B3 does not display, skip to step 5.
4. Click on Select.
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5. Confirm correct VIN, Vehicle Name, and Model Year.
6. Select Confirm.
7. After system call completes, select MULTI AV.
8. Select Manual Configuration.
9. Use the drop down arrows to select the values for each item listed (see Figure B7).
^ For all other items, use the values that you wrote down in Part 1, step 22.
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10. Select Next.
11. Confirm correct values for items listed and then select OK.
12. Wait for C-III plus to transfer the reprogramming (reconfiguration) to Multi AV - about 1 minute or less.
13. After C-III plus finishes transferring the reconfiguration to the MULTI AV, select Home.
14. Turn the ignition OFF and wait 10 seconds.
15. Start the engine and let it idle while the Multi AV system reboots.
16. Use C-III plus to clear any codes from the Multi AV system:
a. Select Diagnoses (One System) > Multi AV > Self Diagnosis Results.
b. Clear any codes that are present.
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17. Confirm the Multi AV part number has changed:
a. Select ECU Identification.
b. Compare the part number you wrote down in Part 1, step 11, on page 5 to the one that is now displayed.
c. The part number should be different.
If the part numbers are not different, the reconfigure process was not successful.
18. Close the C-III plus and disconnect the VI from the vehicle.
Part 4: Make sure the Multi AV system is operational.
1. Confirm that fan, temperature, and air flow modes can be adjusted.
2. Turn the radio ON.
3. Turn the volume knob and make sure the audio volume responds to movement of the knob.
Part 5: Replace the system microphone
^ Refer to the AV section in the Service Manual for microphone replacement information.
Be careful not to crease the headlining.
^ Make sure to use the new microphone listed in the Parts Information.
^ Make sure to use the new map lamp finisher listed in the Parts Information.
Make sure the new microphone is firmly snapped into place. If the microphone is loose, it could pick up extra noise from an unintended
Part 6: Check Microphone Operation Using the vehicles on-board Systems
Diagnostic Menu.
1. Turn the ignition ON and the audio system OFF.
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2. Put the AV system into System Diagnostic Mode as follows:
a. Press and hold the SETTING button.
b. While holding the SETTING button, turn the volume control knob 40 clicks or more.
^ The volume control knob can be turned either direction.
^ When the system goes into the System Diagnostic Menu, the screen in Figure M2 will display.
3. Select Confirmation/Adjustment.
4. Select Hands-free Phone.
Use the scroll arrow to find Hands-free Phone.
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5. Select Voice Microphone Test.
^ A "feedback noise will come from the system speakers as confirmation that the microphone is operating.
^ If you speak, you should hear your voice coming from the system speakers. This is further confirmation that the microphone is operating.
6. Reboot Multi AV system by cycling the ignition OFF for 10 seconds, then back ON.
7. Reset the customer's radio stations presets.
The Service Procedure is complete, but you may need to adjust the system for customer preference:
Adjust outgoing call volume to a level that is suitable for the customer's voice as follows:
A. Press the SETTING button on the control panel.
B. Select Volumes & Beeps.
C. Adjust the Outgoing Call volume to the customer's preference.
^ If extremely loud talker, set to level 1 (-).
^ If moderately loud talker, set to level 2.
^ If normal loud talker, set to level 3.
^ If moderately quiet talker, set to level 4.
^ If quiet talker, set to level 5 (+).
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